From the exhibition

When I Die I Will Storm Out Into the World

in Kraft Bergen 2024

Photo R. Halleraker/Kraft

From the exhibition Flood works in Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, 2023. Photo Thomas Tveter

The Low Tide War. 100x1160cm 2021. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

a way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun

100x750cm 2021. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Toremania Along the Coast Back to Mother Earth

100x980cm 2020. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Toremania... Detail. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Red Water. 100x400 cm. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

100x300cm. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

100x250cm. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Dam Wall. Installation at studio in Oslo City Hall 2022. Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Mannen.(Langt nord i fjello, djupt under hello der leikar det) (Far North in the Mountains, deep Beneath the Rocks the Underworld is Luring you). Knitting on hessian, c-print, polaroid 244x185cm 2023 Photo Thomas Tveter

Untitled. Knitwork, appliqué 2022 Photo TMG

Sayed in the Lion's Den. 2022 Photo TMG

Sparks From the Wheel
Knitting,appliqué 280x215x18cm 2021 Photo TMG

Untitled. Knitting, appliqué, acrylic paint 170x150cm 2022 Photo TMG

Untitled. Appliqué. Each 140x106cm 2022 Photo TMG

Svanhild's Mantel. 248x170x36cm 2021

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

The Mouth / The Grinder / The Knife

185x144cm 2021 Acquired by Asker Municipality

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Anemia. 2021 Acquired by Kunstsilo Kristiansand Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

The Axe Man. 2021

Acquired by Kunstsilo Kristiansand

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

The Headless Man. 2019

Acquired by KODE Bergen Photo Bomuldsfabriken

I Heard the Preacher Cry.150x150cm 2020

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

A Child of God (The Reunion). 100x395cm

Pillows 50x50cm 2020 Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Sun Saw Orange. 100x1100cm 2022 Photo TMG

The Red Room. 100x110cm 2020

Acquired by Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Bathing Boys. Knitwork 420x240x25cm 2019 
Acquired by The National museum Norway

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

The Saw / The Wolf. Each 255x105x25cm 2020

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen   

Cod Mountain Devides / Skywalkers

Each 600x230cm 2022 Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen

Pantocrator. Textile, wood, paint 245x250x12cm

2020 Acquired by Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall

Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen